Competition Application Form

We are now accepting applications for the 2022 Nemera Innovation Labs Startup Competition to be held the week of October 24th, 2022.

Nemera Innovation Labs Startup Competition 2022

  • A simple 60-second video that includes product or concept images or renderings, and a succinct verbal explanation of the technology and its market need is strongly recommended for competition judging. Please provide a link once your video is uploaded on Youtube, Vimeo, or your service of choice. Note: You can complete your application now and upload your video at another time, in advance of the application deadline.
  • please be sure to include http://www with your url
  • What is your core technology? What is your device and what will it do? (your solution and how it works) What stage of development are you in? Why do you feel people should support your technology?
  • Describe the user need (the problem you discovered), the market opportunity, and the competitive landscape
  • Your backgrounds, how your formed the team, and how long you have been working together.
  • History of funding to date and anticipated future funding plans
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.